Author: Jessica Bell
After leaving high school in 2013, Jess pursued her love for travelling by going to college and university to study tourism management. This enabled Jess to see and experience different countries and cultures, which gave her the opportunity to work in Florida and Connecticut for 2 years. On returning home from America at the start of 2020, Jess knew that she loved and excelled in all of her marketing related modules whilst she studied for her degree. So, she decided to remotely study digital marketing as a masters degree for a further year. Equipped with all of her lived experiences of working with a range of personalities and cultures worldwide, as well as her gaining her masters in digital marketing, Jess joined the Proof3 team (previously Kanuka Digital) in 2021. As a result of her educational background, Jess particularly enjoys researching and writing content, and she looks forward to creating more valuable content in the future.
After leaving high school in 2013, Jess pursued her love for travelling by going to college and university to study tourism management. This enabled Jess to see and experience different countries and cultures, which gave her the opportunity to work in Florida and Connecticut for 2 years. On returning home from America at the start of 2020, Jess knew that she loved and excelled in all of her marketing related modules whilst she studied for her degree. So, she decided to remotely study digital marketing as a masters degree for a further year. Equipped with all of her lived experiences of working with a range of personalities and cultures worldwide, as well as her gaining her masters in digital marketing, Jess joined the Proof3 team (previously Kanuka Digital) in 2021. As a result of her educational background, Jess particularly enjoys researching and writing content, and she looks forward to creating more valuable content in the future.