Scale Paid Marketing Without Increasing Budget

Scale Paid Marketing | Proof3

As business owners, it’s important to ensure that your paid ads are performing up to expectation, without spending any extra money than necessary. In this article, we’ll take you through some of the techniques that we use to manage our clients’ ads, without increasing budget.

Optimise Existing Campaigns

If you want to get the most out of your paid marketing strategies, there are some things that you can do to ensure that your existing campaigns are performing well. From optimising your ad copy to improving ad extensions, let’s look at techniques that we use and recommend to optimise your paid ads.

Remember: small tweaks can make a significant difference in your conversion rates and overall campaign performance.

Craft Compelling Ad Copy

Ad copy is one of the first elements that a user will see when they come across your ad. If your ad copy is irrelevant, boring or doesn’t generate interest, users aren’t likely to click the ad. Click-through rate (CTR) is the key indicator here –  making even the smallest of changes to your ad copy could significantly improve CTR.

With the help of our paid marketing team, we will monitor and review how your ad copy is performing, making slight changes to the copy where necessary, all at no extra cost to you. 

Here are just some of the strategies that we use to amend ad copy to drive ad conversions and improve your return on investment (ROI):

  • Understand your target audience’s pain points and motivations. This will give us better insight into the language that they use and engage with, allowing us to tailor your ad copy to reflect this.
  • Highlight the benefits and advantages that your audience will gain by choosing your brand. This will commonly include terms like ‘free delivery’.
  • Provide valuable information and educate your audience.
Compelling Ad Copy Example | Proof3

Use Creatives That Stand Out

Using unique creatives will help you stand out from the competition. You could include bold colours in your messaging, use visuals to tell a story or leverage social media imagery to align with your ads. This way, you can increase engagement, attract new customers and enhance brand awareness.

Remember: you should always be consistent with your brand and messaging to make your brand easier for users to recognise across various channels.

Edit Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are an easy way to encourage readers to click on your page. You will typically see extensions that promote payment schemes, contact us links and promotions to name a few.

When optimising ad extensions to improve your ads’ CTR, we will consider the following:

  • Include relevant information about your products or services.
  • Include incentives like special offers or promotions.
  • Showcase your unique selling points to stand out from the competition.
Ad Extension Example | Proof3

Continuously Test Changes

With all of the changes that we make, we will analyse the ad performance before and after we make changes. This allows us to identify which strategies are delivering the best results, without needing extra budget, to improve ROI.

Landing Page Optimisation Strategies

Now that we’ve looked at ways to optimise your ads, let’s look at other elements of your paid marketing strategy that we could look at to improve your paid marketing performance – the landing pages of your ads.

The first question we would ask is, is your landing page relevant to the ad or could the link be updated? For example, if you’re advertising garden tables, but your URL is instead of, this is a quick and easy way to improve the relevance of your URL.

Once you’ve got the most relevant URL, does the landing page reflect the messaging used in your ads? Could you optimise the content on the page to give users more context about why they need your products? 

Lost Impression Share (Rank) metrics are useful for understanding whether targeted keywords, ad copy and landing page content are in sync. Successful paid ads campaigns have synergy and relevance among all elements. 

At Proof3, our paid and SEO specialists work together to ensure that your paid landing pages are optimised to ensure users are converting instead of clicking away. Drop us a line if you’d like to know more.

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Audience Segmentation & Targeting Techniques

Targeting and segmenting your audience is crucial to ensure that your ads are seen by the right people. For example, if you target all audiences, you might be paying for non-converting clicks because you’re targeting an audience who doesn’t resonate with your products or services.

If you want to save money on your paid campaigns, you could test how your ads perform when they only target your most profitable audience. By focusing on audiences that are already at the bottom of the funnel, you can increase your chances of this audience converting into customers, improving ROI.

However, this technique is extremely limiting, so you might prefer targeting a broader group and tailoring your messaging accordingly to address their specific pain points and needs. This way, you can still reach new customers, increase engagement and optimise your paid marketing efforts without increasing your budget.

Leverage Automation & AI

In a world where AI is at the forefront of everyone’s minds, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest advancements in AI technology and automation. By using automated bid strategies, your bid will automatically be optimised to ensure you’re getting the best ROI.

Advancements in technology are only progressing, giving advertisers a more streamlined ad management process and improved ad performance, without having to increase the ad budget.

Continuously Monitor & Optimise

The final and arguably the most important element to scale your paid marketing without increasing your budget is by continuously monitoring your paid marketing efforts. This ensures that your paid ads are returning the highest investment.

Ready to take your paid marketing to the next level?

There are many ways to scale paid marketing without increasing budget, from optimising existing campaigns and ad extensions to refining your audience targeting. 

At Proof3, our paid specialists have access to various tools, techniques and strategies to monitor and optimise your ads. If you want us to help with your paid ads, drop us a line.

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