15 Quick SEO Tips for Fast Ranking

15 quick SEO tips | Proof3

In the space of a minute, approximately 30 million Google searches are conducted. That’s an immense volume of traffic and nearly 40% of those users will click on the top search result. A number one ranking can translate to significant revenue and in some cases, even millions of pounds. But, how do you secure that coveted first spot? It begins with good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

In this blog post, we’ll uncover 15 of the most critical SEO tips you need to optimise your site and climb the Google ladder. Let’s get started.

1. Keyword Placement

We all know that adding keywords to our content is crucial for ranking. However, where and how frequently we place them is even more important. The prime locations to include your target keyword are in your page’s title tag or H1, URL, first 100 words of content, and within your H2 headings.

2. Use Semantic Keywords​

On-page SEO isn’t just about indiscriminately scattering keywords on your page. Google’s algorithm has evolved and now analyses the topic of your page as a whole. By adding semantically related terms to your content, you can create a more comprehensive and engaging piece. Tools like Surfer SEO can help you identify and implement semantic keywords.

3. Rank Your Content In Featured Snippets

An analysis of 80 million keywords by SEMrush suggests that incorporating an FAQ section can increase your chances of appearing in Google’s featured snippets. Wrap your FAQ content in the correct FAQ schema with tools like Yoast or RankMath to potentially see your content appear in the featured snippets and “people also asked” sections.

4. Speed Up Your Website 

A slow-loading website is a surefire way to lose visitors. Google’s speed update may also negatively impact slow-loading pages on mobile devices, which is critical since the majority of users are on mobile. Use a Content Delivery Network, cut down on plugin bloat, and employ speed plugins like WP Rocket to improve your site’s load time.

Read more: What eCommerces site owners need to know about Core Web Vitals.

5. Produce Industry Studies Or White Papers

High-quality, unique content in the form of industry studies, white papers, or statistics posts can attract backlinks from authoritative blogs or news sites in your niche. According to Buzzsumo, such content can drive substantial traffic, social media shares, and press mentions, all of which contribute to your SEO efforts.

6. Add Text To Your Visual Content

While Google is improving at understanding visual content, it’s not quite there yet. Accompany your podcasts, videos, and infographics with text and alt text to help search engines comprehend your content better.

7. Engage Users Longer

If users are frequently “pogo-sticking” – clicking on your site and then immediately bouncing back to the search results – Google may perceive that your site does not provide satisfactory answers. Keep your audience engaged with scannable content, effective use of bullet points, subheadings, and a deep understanding of search intent.

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8. Update Old Content​

If you have old blog posts that no longer reflect your brand, or simply don’t attract traffic, consider updating them. This could involve refreshing the design, text, keyword targeting, adding more external links, reorganising sections, or rewriting the title and meta description.

9. Use Google Search Console​

Google Search Console is a valuable tool that can provide insights into your site’s performance. You might discover that you’re ranking for keywords you weren’t aware of and could further capitalise on them.

10. Create More Informational Content​

High-quality, related content is crucial for SEO, even if your niche isn’t inherently exciting. Seek out related topics that provide an opportunity to create engaging content. This can help you blanket your niche with high-quality content.

11. Earn Backlinks From Your Visual Assets​

If website owners are using your visuals without crediting you, reach out to them with a polite request to link back to your original source.

12. Build Real Relationships For Link Building

Instead of manual outreach, focus on cultivating genuine relationships with other blogs, websites, and authorities in your niche. This can yield more guest post opportunities and enhance your domain authority.

13. Delete Your Dead Pages​

Removing pages that don’t bring in any traffic can potentially boost the ranking of your remaining pages. Some businesses have reported significant increases in organic search traffic and revenue after deleting dead pages.

14. Use Suggested Keywords​

Utilise suggested keywords not just from Google, but also from other search engines like Wikipedia, YouTube, and Bing to find long tail keywords.

15. Utilise "What Is X" Questions And Answers​

When people search for high-level terms, they’re often looking for a definition. If your content answers the question, “What is X?”, it could rank higher for that keyword.

Ready To Take Your ECommerce SEO To The Next Level?

If optimising your site to increase your chances of ranking seems overwhelming, contact our expert team to assist with strategic guidance and cutting-edge solutions tailored to your business goals and user privacy. Remember, the more you optimise, the more traffic you’ll get, leading to a snowball effect of increased traffic and revenue

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